An Advisory Board for the Future of Embedded Finance
Angela Strange’s infamous claim that “every company will be a fintech company” has been repeated somany times by this point that it’s almost lost meaning. So much so, in fact, that many fail to acknowledgethat she actually said: “I believe nearly every company will derive a significant portion of its revenue fromfinancial services.”
Less snappy, sure, but, at least in my mind, just as radical. More so, even. The beauty of embeddedfinance is not that it turns every company into a homogeneous fintech but that it allows existing companiesand industries to vastly improve their own offerings with the addition of financial services suited to theircustomers. Embedded insurance that protects the products being purchased, loans embedded into theuser journeys of the software that SMEs use every day, instant payments embedded in HR systems andmuch, much more.
Banks, too, can be transformed by this technology. Or created anew by it, complete with a suite ofinnovative products that would have been impossible for them to have offered just a few years ago, suchwas the cost and time required.
Embedded finance, in short, is about enhancement, improvement and collaboration.
All of which brings me to AAZZUR’s latest announcement: the confirmation of our five-member AdvisoryBoard. A significant step forward in AAZZUR‘s journey that brings together a group of founders,technologists, and industry leaders as we bring the future of embedded finance to the present.

Francisco Lorca
Founder & CEO @ EthosData Board Director @ MoneyGram International (NAS:MGI)
As an entrepreneur, executive and investor with global experience,Francisco has built businesses and shaped the future of multipleindustries across the globe, learning to navigate diverse cultural andbusiness landscapes, gaining a unique perspective on global marketsalong the way.

Michael Harte
Industry Research Fellow @ MIT with CISR Experienced COO, researcher, technologist, and digital strategist
Michael served as Santander’s COO, Barclay's Chief of Operations andTechnology and CIO of Australia’s Commonwealth Bank. He serves as aboard director / advisory board member for several venture and privatetechnology funds, providing expertise on areas such as Identity, privacy,AI, core, edge and cloud computing. As an investor and advisor to techstartups, he loves helping to bring new ideas to life and supporting thenext generation of entrepreneurs.

Olav Pannenborg
Head of Digital Innovation and Business Development @ Endava
Olav is an entrepreneur and pioneer who loves challenges, innovationsand out-of-the-box thinking. Helping people, teams and companiessucceed is what drives him to always give his best. He has broadknowledge, experience and deep understanding of IT and the financialsector. He is a creative motivator, successful leader and a strategic thinkerwho is on the constant lookout for new challenges and opportunities.

David Shiell
Principal @ Thinking:Returns Advisory Expert in Marketing, Technology, SaaS and Subscriptions, Scaling,Board Advisor, Mentor, Investor
David has 22 years experience in founding, building and leading global,full-service digital marketing agencies and Martech (UK, North America,Sub-Saharan Africa). Having specialised as a trusted advisor to numerousFortune 500 companies and challenger start-ups, he possesses a multi-geographical, deep understanding of the digital ecosystem, its inter-relationship to marketing, alongside sustainable business growthstrategies. Currently he works with early-growth stage companies(UK/EU/US/Australia) as a board advisor, consultant and mentor, primarilyassisting with strategy, marketing, operational design, capital managementand international expansion. David is an active and expansive AngelInvestor.

Marc de Speville
Partner, Digital Commerce & Supply Chain @ The PartneringGroup Expert in Digital Commerce, Angel Investor, Startup Mentor
Marc is a Partner in TPG's Digital Commerce and Supply Chain Practices.While based in Europe, he advises clients globally, with a focus on NorthAmerica. Prior to joining TPG, Marc ran his own digital commerce strategyand fulfillment consultancy advising major retailers in Europe includingCarrefour, Metro AG, Rewe and Delhaize. He is also an active advisorand mentor to tech startups and is an Angel investor.
The support of such successful entrepreneurs and thinkers is invaluable to AAZZUR and our mission. Their deep understanding and seasoned experience in decision-making, leadership, information technology, and banking business processes, along with their integrity and principles will bring immense value to AAZZUR and its shareholders. The team is already benefiting and learning from their decades of operational expertise. This is only going to increase as AAZZUR continues to expand our operations on a global scale.
We also give tremendous thanks to our Advisory Board Observer: Walter Gontarek, and to John Lert for his wise counsel and mentorship.
Special thanks to our advisors from Creative Destruction Lab, Fintech Innovation Lab, and Fintech Circle and to the countless others who have helped us along the way.
All the best,
Philipp Buschmann